
python 微信机器人代码

介绍 评论 失效链接反馈

# coding=utf-8import osimport requestsimport simplejson as jsonimport timeimport reimport xml.dom.minidom# from collections import dequeimport queueimport htmlimport threading# lock = threading.Lock()DEBUG = FalseLOG = TruedeviceId = 'e000000000000000' g_info = {}g_info['tip'] = 0g_queue = queue.Queue()# []import configapikey = config.apikeydef getUUID(): global g_info url = 'https://login.weixin.qq.com/jslogin' params = { 'appid': 'wx782c26e4c19acffb', 'fun': 'new', 'lang': 'zh_CN', '_': int(time.time()), } r = requests.post(url, params, verify=False) if DEBUG: print (r.text) text = r.text regx = r'window.QRLogin.code = (\d ); window.QRLogin.uuid = "(\S ?)"' pm = re.search(regx, text) code = pm.group(1) uuid = pm.group(2) g_info['uuid'] = uuid if code == '200': return True return Falsedef showQRImage(): global g_info uuid = g_info['uuid'] url = 'https://login.weixin.qq.com/qrcode/' uuid params = { 't': 'webwx', '_': int(time.time()), } r = requests.post(url, params, verify=False) g_info['tip'] = 1 with open('qrcode.jpg', 'wb') as fd: for chunk in r.iter_content(512): fd.write(chunk) print ('请扫描二维码。。。')def waitForLogin(): global g_info tip = g_info['tip'] uuid = g_info['uuid'] url = 'https://login.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/mmwebwx-bin/login?tip=%s&uuid=%s&_=%s' % ( tip, uuid, int(time.time())) r = requests.get(url, verify=False) text = r.text regx = r'window.code=(\d );' pm = re.search(regx, text) code = pm.group(1) if code == '201': print ('成功扫描,请在手机上点击确认以登录') g_info['tip'] = 0 elif code == '200': print ('正在登录。。。') regx = r'window.redirect_uri="(\S ?)";' pm = re.search(regx, text) redirect_uri = pm.group(1) '&fun=new' g_info['redirect_uri'] = redirect_uri base_uri = redirect_uri[:redirect_uri.rfind('/')] g_info['base_uri'] = base_uri services = [ ('wx2.qq.com', 'webpush2.weixin.qq.com'), ('qq.com', 'webpush.weixin.qq.com'), ('web1.wechat.com', 'webpush1.wechat.com'), ('web2.wechat.com', 'webpush2.wechat.com'), ('wechat.com', 'webpush.wechat.com'), ('web1.wechatapp.com', 'webpush1.wechatapp.com'), ] push_uri = base_uri for (searchUrl, pushUrl) in services: if base_uri.find(searchUrl) >= 0: push_uri = 'https://%s/cgi-bin/mmwebwx-bin' % pushUrl break g_info['push_uri'] = push_uri elif code == '408': pass return codedef login(): global g_info redirect_uri = g_info['redirect_uri'] r = requests.get(redirect_uri, verify=False) g_info['cookies'] = r.cookies doc = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(r.text) root = doc.documentElement for node in root.childNodes: if node.nodeName == 'skey': skey = node.childNodes[0].data elif node.nodeName == 'wxsid': wxsid = node.childNodes[0].data elif node.nodeName == 'wxuin': wxuin = node.childNodes[0].data elif node.nodeName == 'pass_ticket': pass_ticket = node.childNodes[0].data if not all((skey, wxsid, wxuin, pass_ticket)): return False BaseRequest = { 'Uin': int(wxuin), 'Sid': wxsid, 'Skey': skey, 'DeviceID': deviceId, } g_info['skey'] = skey g_info['wxsid'] = wxsid g_info['wxuin'] = wxuin g_info['pass_ticket'] = pass_ticket g_info['BaseRequest'] = BaseRequest if DEBUG: print (skey, wxsid, wxuin) return Truedef responseState(func, BaseResponse): ErrMsg = BaseResponse['ErrMsg'] Ret = BaseResponse['Ret'] if DEBUG: print('func: %s, Ret: %d, ErrMsg: %s' % (func, Ret, ErrMsg)) if Ret != 0: return False return Truedef webwxinit(): global g_info base_uri = g_info['base_uri'] pass_ticket = g_info['pass_ticket'] skey = g_info['skey'] BaseRequest = g_info['BaseRequest'] url = base_uri \ '/webwxinit?pass_ticket=%s&skey=%s&r=%s' % ( pass_ticket, skey, int(time.time())) params = { 'BaseRequest': BaseRequest } r = requests.post(url, json.dumps(params), verify=False) text = r.text if DEBUG: with open('webwxinit.json', 'wb') as fd: for chunk in r.iter_content(512): fd.write(chunk) dic = json.loads(text) ContactList = dic['ContactList'] My = dic['User'] SyncKey = dic['SyncKey'] g_info['ContactList'] = ContactList g_info['My'] = My g_info['SyncKey'] = SyncKey state = responseState('webwxinit', dic['BaseResponse']) return statedef webwxgetcontact(): global g_info base_uri = g_info['base_uri'] pass_ticket = g_info['pass_ticket'] skey = g_info['skey'] url = base_uri \ '/webwxgetcontact?pass_ticket=%s&skey=%s&r=%s' % ( pass_ticket, skey, int(time.time())) headers = {'Content-Type':'application/json; charset=UTF-8'} r = requests.get(url, verify=False, headers=headers,cookies=g_info['cookies']) text = r.text if DEBUG: with open('webwxgetcontact.json', 'wb') as fd: for chunk in r.iter_content(512): fd.write(chunk) dic = json.loads(text, 'utf-8') MemberList = dic['MemberList'] SpecialUsers = ["newsapp", "fmessage", "filehelper", "weibo", "qqmail", "tmessage", "qmessage", "qqsync", "floatbottle", "lbsapp", "shakeapp", "medianote", "qqfriend", "readerapp", "blogapp", "facebookapp", "masssendapp", "meishiapp", "feedsapp", "voip", "blogappweixin", "weixin", "brandsessionholder", "weixinreminder", "wxid_novlwrv3lqwv11", "gh_22b87fa7cb3c", "officialaccounts", "notification_messages", "wxitil", "userexperience_alarm"] for i in range(len(MemberList) - 1, -1, -1): Member = MemberList[i] if Member['VerifyFlag'] & 8 != 0: # 公众号/服务号 MemberList.remove(Member) elif Member['UserName'] in SpecialUsers: # 特殊账号 MemberList.remove(Member) _MemberList = {} for user in MemberList: _MemberList[user['UserName']] = user['NickName'] g_info['MemberList'] = _MemberListdef syncKey(): global g_info SyncKey = g_info['SyncKey'] SyncKeyItems = ['%s_%s' % (item['Key'], item['Val']) for item in SyncKey['List']] SyncKeyStr = '|'.join(SyncKeyItems) return SyncKeyStrdef syncCheck(): global g_info push_uri = g_info['push_uri'] BaseRequest = g_info['BaseRequest'] url = push_uri '/synccheck?' params = { 'skey': BaseRequest['Skey'], 'sid': BaseRequest['Sid'], 'uin': BaseRequest['Uin'], 'deviceId': BaseRequest['DeviceID'], 'synckey': syncKey(), 'r': int(time.time()), } r = requests.get(url, verify=False, params=params, cookies=g_info['cookies'], timeout=300) text = r.text regx = r'window.synccheck={retcode:"(\d )",selector:"(\d )"}' pm = re.search(regx, text) retcode = pm.group(1) selector = pm.group(2) if DEBUG or LOG: print (text) return (retcode, selector)def webwxsync(): global g_info base_uri = g_info['base_uri'] BaseRequest = g_info['BaseRequest'] SyncKey = g_info['SyncKey'] pass_ticket = g_info['pass_ticket'] # url = base_uri '/webwxsync?lang=zh_CN&skey=%s&sid=%s&pass_ticket=%s' % ( # BaseRequest['Skey'], BaseRequest['Sid'], quote_plus(pass_ticket)) url = base_uri '/webwxsync?' params = { 'BaseRequest': BaseRequest, 'SyncKey': SyncKey, 'rr': ~int(time.time()), } url_params = { # 'lang' : 'zh_CN' , 'skey' : BaseRequest['Skey'] , 'pass_ticket' : pass_ticket , 'sid' : BaseRequest['Sid'] } headers = { 'ContentType': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' } r = requests.post(url, verify=False, params=url_params, data=json.dumps(params), headers = headers, cookies=g_info['cookies']) # if DEBUG: # global i # i = i 1 # with open('sync' str(i) '.json', 'wb') as fd: # for chunk in r.iter_content(512): # fd.write(chunk) r.encoding = 'utf-8' dic = json.loads(r.text) # print (dic) # 更新 synckey g_info['SyncKey'] = dic['SyncKey'] state = responseState('webwxsync', dic['BaseResponse']) msg_list = dic['AddMsgList'] if DEBUG: print (msg_list) return (state, msg_list)def getMsg(msg_list): global g_info, g_queue My = g_info['My'] for msg in msg_list: if msg['MsgType'] != 1: continue if msg['FromUserName'] != My['UserName']: continue if msg['ToUserName'] == My['UserName']: response = {} content = msg['Content'] # 群消息中 :<br/> 之前是 UserName if content.find(':<br/>') != -1: fromsomeone = content[:content.find(':<br/>')] else: fromsomeone = '' fromsomeone_NickName = '' if msg['FromUserName'].find('@') == -1: continue if msg['FromUserName'].find('@@') != -1: continue # 如果是来自群,那就试着去 g_info[] 对应的群中找群成员列表 groupName = msg['FromUserName'] # 群还没有记录 if groupName not in g_info: g_info['Group_UserName_Req'] = msg['FromUserName'] # 在群列表中有了,因为可能群成员会变化,所以要再次找一遍 elif fromsomeone in g_info[groupName]: fromsomeone_NickName = g_info[groupName][fromsomeone] fromsomeone_NickName = '@' fromsomeone_NickName ' ' # 找不到,所以置标志位,会在另一个群中触发寻找行为 else: g_info['Group_UserName_Req'] = msg['FromUserName'] else: fromsomeone_NickName = '' response['fromsomeone'] = fromsomeone_NickName response['Content'] = content[content.find('>') 1:] response['FromUserName'] = msg['FromUserName'] print ('机器人收到消息:%s' % response['Content']) # g_info['Group_UserName_Req'] = response['FromUserName'] # 不停地塞新消息 # lock.acquire() # try: # g_queue.append(response) # finally: # lock.release() # print (response['Content']) # test if g_queue.qsize() > 5: g_queue.get() g_queue.get() g_queue.put(response) if LOG: print ('getmsg queue: %s' % g_queue.qsize())def webwxsendmsg(content, user): global g_info base_uri = g_info['base_uri'] pass_ticket = g_info['pass_ticket'] BaseRequest = g_info['BaseRequest'] My = g_info['My'] wxuin = BaseRequest['Uin'] wxsid = BaseRequest['Sid'] skey = BaseRequest['Skey'] deviceId = BaseRequest['DeviceID'] url = base_uri \ '/webwxsendmsg?pass_ticket=%s' % (pass_ticket) msgid = int(time.time()*10000000) msg = { 'ClientMsgId' : msgid , 'Content' : content, 'FromUserName' : My['UserName'] , 'LocalID' : msgid , 'ToUserName' : user, 'Type' : 1 } params = { 'BaseRequest' : BaseRequest, 'Msg' : msg } data = json.dumps(params, ensure_ascii=False) # print (data) data = data.encode('utf-8') r = requests.post(url, verify=False, data=data, cookies=g_info['cookies'])def sendMsg(): global g_info, g_queue MemberList = g_info['MemberList'] tuling_url = 'http://www.tuling123.com/openapi/api?key=' apikey '&info=' time.sleep(1) if LOG: print ('sendmsg queue: %s' % g_queue.qsize()) while g_queue.empty() is False: # lock.acquire() # try: # response = g_queue.popleft() # finally: # lock.release() response = g_queue.get() content = response['Content'] from_user = response['FromUserName'] AT = response['fromsomeone'] print print ('机器人处理消息:%s' % content) tuling_url = tuling_url content try: data = requests.get(tuling_url, verify=False) data = json.loads(data.text) text = data['text'] except: text = '网络异常。。。。。' webwxsendmsg(AT text, from_user) time.sleep(1) if LOG: print ('机器人的回复: %s' % text) printdef webwxbatchgetcontact(UserName): global g_info base_uri = g_info['base_uri'] pass_ticket = g_info['pass_ticket'] BaseRequest = g_info['BaseRequest'] url = base_uri '/webwxbatchgetcontact?' List = [{ 'ChatRoomId' : '', 'UserName' : UserName }] post_params = { 'BaseRequest': BaseRequest , 'Count' : 1 , 'List' : List } url_params = { 'lang' : 'zh_CN' , 'type' : 'ex' , 'pass_ticket' : pass_ticket , 'r' : int(time.time()) } headers = { 'ContentType': 'application/json; charset=UTF-8' } r = requests.post(url, verify=False, params=url_params, data=json.dumps(post_params), headers = headers, cookies=g_info['cookies']) r.encoding = 'utf-8' dic = json.loads(r.text) GroupMapUsers = {} ContactList = dic['ContactList'] for contact in ContactList: memberlist = contact['MemberList'] for member in memberlist: # 默认 @群名片,没有群名片就 @昵称 nickname = member['NickName'] displayname = member['DisplayName'] AT = '' if displayname == '': # 有些人的昵称会有表情 <span> 会表示成 &lt;span&gt; # 需要 html.unescape() 转义一下 AT = html.unescape(nickname) else: AT = html.unescape(displayname) GroupMapUsers[member['UserName']] = AT if DEBUG: print (member['NickName']) # 整群的成员列表消息记录 g_info[UserName] = GroupMapUsersdef getgroupinfo(): global g_info if 'Group_UserName_Req' not in g_info: return if g_info['Group_UserName_Req'] == '0': return Group_UserName = g_info['Group_UserName_Req'] webwxbatchgetcontact(Group_UserName) # 这个变量表示一次 获取群成员列表 请求。请求完毕置空 g_info['Group_UserName_Req'] = '0' time.sleep(0.5) def heartBeatLoop(): while True: retcode, selector = syncCheck() if retcode != '0': print ('sync 失败。。。') if selector != '0': state, msg_list = webwxsync() getMsg(msg_list) getgroupinfo() time.sleep(1)def main(): global g_info if not getUUID(): print ('获取 uuid 失败') return print ('获取二维码图片中。。。') showQRImage() time.sleep(1) while waitForLogin() != '200': pass if not login(): print ('登陆失败') return if not webwxinit(): print ('初始化失败') return print ('登陆') print ('获取好友。。。。') webwxgetcontact() print ('开始心跳 噗咚噗通') t1 = threading.Thread(target=heartBeatLoop) t1.start() MemberCount = len(g_info['MemberList']) print ('这位同志啊,你有 %s 个好友' % MemberCount) try: while True: sendMsg() time.sleep(1.5) except KeyboardInterrupt: print ('bye bye ~')if __name__ == '__main__': main()


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